Sunday, July 14, 2013

Of Work and Distractions

As I lay here believing mistruths I myself had conjured
That this visage of success arises; in ashes I see:
No reprieve in wastes, in this or that to which I ruptured
In believing, that my dreams will take flight in effortless glee.

To work I say to it: come, capture me with lenses that focus
On goals to which burdened me with no joy to be found,
Possess my mind and take what fate has planned to loose
And knot my heart to learn, a job I'm forever bound.

Leave, oh kind illusions, with your lights' and sound's embrace.
Free me, to give my soul it's rightful dignity and pose.
Farewell, colors of blue and red that constrain me in place.
Sacrificing all: for the sake of tending one's own rose.

To the joys and distractions that bound my work in constraints,
And leave me suffering in it's wake: I'll dangle my heart's own taints.

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