Sunday, June 23, 2013

Poem 17

No meter but with rhymes. 
I don't know what kind of poem to call this and I won't pretend to know.
 It's just a poem I wrote that I thought I'd show.

It seems that everyday that I come in and see you
I feel like I can't speak, looking through your clear eyes.
Even though I can feel coldness when you knew,
With the decision you made, I can only respect and realize.
In this I wish for you to stay forever alive and not in vain, 
For to me, you're more remarkable than what others see, 
Even when you'd think a glimpse is what you may attain, 
You've changed a lot in me, for that, you mean more to me.

Your coldness did not matter, for your kindness did measure
The weight of my actions - follies! All were a fool's act.
Were they to you? Nevertheless, you did not impose or lure
My childish self into embarrassment or shame's track.
For you, I would've thrown everything aside.
But you - you knew there was more than one side.

(alt. 3rd quatrain and sestet)
A shame, yes, the follies I've done.
And yet, in youth's time, it was all for love. Say,
Would you have loved me if I had none?
Of the childish ways I once displayed all day.
What sadness looms as I end this recall,
Of a woman I knew nothing at all.

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